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Exclusive Cards
KZG Ceremony Contributor
Gitcoin Alpha Round
ENS DAO — Delegator 2022
EthStaker / CLR.Fund QF Matching Round 2022 Early Bloomer
Zerion Connect #5
Bkfc at The Aquarium Decentraland
Decentral Games' Presents Party & Bullish w/ King Mizo Weekly Meta Party
OpenDao SOSIP-10-The OpenSea Exploit Compensation
SOSIP-8-The OpenDAO 20K NFT Collection
DG Chinese Community - WeChat 1000paxs - Member
Swapr Christmas - DXdao 2021 Holiday POAPs
Decentral Games' New Year's Eve Scavenger Hunt POAP #2
Decentral Games' New Year's Eve Scavenger Hunt POAP #4
Decentral Games' New Year's Eve Scavenger Hunt POAP #3
Decentral Games' New Year's Eve Scavenger Hunt POAP #1
Decentral Games' New Year's Eve Scavenger Hunt POAP #5
Decentral Games' Presents Asia & Australia Crypto Competition
Decentraland 中文社区 - 2021圣诞节
Decentraland 中文社区 - 2022跨年纪念徽章 Contributor (Round 8)
PolkaWorld Community Meet Up
Decentral Games' 7 Days of $DG - Celebration of $DG 1 Yr Anniversary DAY 7 - December 1st
Virtual Pangea - Level Up
TRU Band Room Gig: Jack Frost LIVE (Nov 30th 10pm UTC)
BAT Community Call 11-30-2021
Decentral Games' 7 Days of $DG - Celebration of $DG 1 Yr Anniversary DAY 6 - November 30th
MultiverseDao commemorates the opening of liquidity on November 29, 2021
BB Studios: Artist Hour 11/29
Decentral Games' 7 Days of $DG - Celebration of $DG 1 Yr Anniversary DAY 5 - November 29th
Discovering NFT Artists with SphericalArt 11/29
Decentral Games' 7 Days of $DG - Celebration of $DG 1 Yr Anniversary DAY 4 - November 28th
#02 - Graveyard Shift hosted by Phibacka31, Squirt11e
Equanimous @ CromUland
LifeOfMuskNFT Art Exhibition - November 24
Decentral Games' 7 Days of $DG - Celebration of $DG 1 Yr Anniversary DAY 3 - November 27th
MetaJAX Crushendo Event 11/27
Decentral Games Presents Riding Big Waves in the Metaverse - November 19th
Decentral Games' 7 Days of $DG - Celebration of $DG 1 Yr Anniversary DAY 2 - November 26th
Eclectic Method 11/26
Decentral Games' NFT Casino Night - Crypto -November 26th
Decentral Games' 7 Days of $DG - Celebration of $DG 1 Yr Anniversary DAY 1 - November 25th
Decentral Games Presents DJ Raedo LIVE - November 18th
Boson Forum - The Dawn of Metaverse Commerce
Let's Veefriends :: Book Club Five
POAPathon 3,000 Discord Members
Decentral Games' Crypto Casino Night Chateau Satoshi - November 17th
The Hourglass presents Cassidy Snider and the Wranglers
TRU Band Room Gig: Thomas Penninger LIVE (Nov 16th 2pm UTC) Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 46 2021
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - November 15th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #15 - November 8th-14th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #14 - November 8th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #13 - November 1st-7th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #12 - November 8th-14th
Decentral Games' Presents Countdown to GeckoCon - November 15th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #11 - November 8th-14th
xDai Tigers - EIP 1559 - POAP Hunt 5 THE FINAL HUNT (xDai Tigers x Annaa)
TRU Band Room Gig: Jack Frost + Kid Shyne LIVE (Nov 13th 10pm UTC)
Decentral Games presents Fiesta en el Metaverso con Crypto Sheinix 4 - 12 de Noviembre
Decentral Games presents Fiesta en el Metaverso con Crypto Sheinix 1 - 12 de Noviembre
Decentral Games presents Fiesta en el Metaverso con Crypto Sheinix 2 - 12 de Noviembre
Mighty Gojiras AMA and Launch Party
CLUB NIGHTS Week 31 at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games presents Fiesta en el Metaverso con Crypto Sheinix 5 - 12 de Noviembre
BitBears:tm: 1st Generation Collection Finale POAP #2
Aquarium Crypto Tourney Thursdays
The Hourglass presents The Last Real Circus
TRU Band Room Gig: DJ Tropix LIVE (Nov 11th 11pm)
Decentral Games' $DG Hodler Roundtable and DAO Discussion - November 11th
The Hourglass presents Thin Lear
Misfortune Monday 11/08
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #8 - November 1st-7th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #7- November 1st-7th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #6 - November 1st-7th
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - November 8th Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 45 2021
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #10 - November 1st-7th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #9 - November 1st-7th
TRU Band Room Gig #3
Bohemian Betyars Album Release Concert - LIVE @ Festival District
Maxim NFT at NFT NYC
Crypto Tournament at The Aquarium every Thursday
Nights with DJDX at The Hourglass
Decentral Games' Crypto Casino Night Chateau Satoshi - November 3rd
Decentraland Aquarium Casino Tuesday Tournament - 02/11/2021
Ambition WTF's Treasure - POAP Hunt '21
Piggy's Great Navigation Celebration Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 44 2021
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #2 - October 25th-31st
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #3 - October 25th-31st
ecentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #5 - October 25th-31st
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #4 - October 25th-31st
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #1 - October 25th-31st
Foundations DAO General
Pleasr DAO's Treasure - POAP Hunt '21
HAUNTED RAVE Club Nights WEEK 29 at MetaZoo Intl.
Decentral Games' WSODG W43 -Tuesday - October 26th
LowPoly Store LAUNCH PARTY Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 43 2021
Metaverse Festival - Streamzy Jazz Club - Ray Gelato Giants
Metaverse Festival - Harrison First - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - MultiNFT Techno Stage - Day 3
Metaverse Festival - Streamzy Jazz Club - Ilario Ferrari trio
Metaverse Festival - The Harrison Acoustic Stage - Day 3
Metaverse Festival - Big Ligas presents: Koala Stage
Metaverse Festival - Alison Wonderland - Evolution Stage
CLUBNIGHTS Week 28 at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
Metaverse Festival - Jimmy - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - OG Smash Stage
Metaverse Festival - The Harrison Acoustic Stage - Day 2
Metaverse Festival - The Harrison Acoustic Stage - Day 1
Metaverse Festival - The World Stage
Butterfly Catch (Summer Festival 2021) Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 42 2021
Crypto Competition at The Aquarium - 19/10/2021
SIPHER Neko Creator
Futureswap V4 Public Testnet Trader
Moon Rising - NFT Comics Gallery & Movie Night
Iced Flamingo Wearable Launch Party at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games' Noche De Casino - PLAY - October 15th
CLUBNIGHTS Week27 at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
Taylor Swift Queen of z DOLUS Anthem Release | TempleDAO
Decentral Games' WSODG W41 -Thursday - October 14th
Decentral Games' Up Late with DG Casino Night - October 14th
Decentral Games' Presents DJenerates Poker Tournament - October 13th
The Prologue Quest
Crypto Competition at The Aquarium - 11/10/2021
Space Shiba Mountain Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 41 2021
Hacktoberfest 2021
I Quit My Job… Now What? I’m Interviewing Ishita Banerjee [@SoulCurryArt]
AltcoinRadio - Poap on a Rope
Slices of the Metaverse - Meet & Greet #1
MagMaster’s Sunday Confessions 2021-10-10
Amnesia Virtual Launch Party - DJenerates' VIP Lounge - October 9th
SuperYeti 3
LogicBots Series 2021 Launch
Decentral Games' Presents Amnesia SuperClub Virtual Launch Party - October 9th
Rocket Pool POAP Collector
Public School with Kane Mayfield - Ep. #116
mBaby #1 - yo-ey - mStable
Decentral Games' Casino Night Asia & Australia - PLAY - October 8th
Royal Pheasants Golf Club Inaugural Launch Token
Happy Camper Club Early Adopters
VeeFam DAO OGG Coin
Ethereals Moon Mission POAP #4
Crypto Competition at The Aquarium - 05/10/2021 Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 40 2021
Misfortune Monday 2021-10-04
EthStaker Presents: Calm Before The Storm
POAP x Rocket Pool: Crossover Celebration
The Nifty Island B33 Photo Contest
Zapper and Rocket Pool Crossover
After Dinner Mints 10/03/21
Meta City & Metadogepunks Launch Event (with POAP and Wearable Giveaway)
Public School with Kane Mayfield - Episode 114
DEEP SESSIONS 2 - Proof of Protection
Curio Cards Christie's Auction 1
DigiWeed Member Reward
Cipher - Collectible Hip Hop 2021-09-30
Decentral Games' Crypto Casino Night Chateau Satoshi - September 29th
EthStaker Presents: Rocket Pool Team AMA
Reddit / Rocket Pool Crossover Celebration
MaticVerse's NFT Launch Party at MetaZoo
Foxyoga’s Listening Party - The Matthew & Rizzle Show 2021-09-29
Dystopia MaskDAO'd v1.1
The Daily Gwei X Rocket Pool
Rocket Pool + Balancer Crossover
Cryptohoots #1533 Barn Owl & #2100 Great Horned Owl
Beanie x Farokh Ceasefire Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 39 2021
Aastronaut Aavegotchi
Rovi Community Call 5
CTK's Book of Alchemy AMA
Decentraland 中文社区
Goobie (Goobers Reveal Party)
Script Community Early Supporters
Alchemist ⚗️ Toomanytrips' Radio Spectacular on Alchemist Radio
Malaysia Blockchain Month (MBM2021) #NFT4 DUO
Malaysia Blockchain Month (MBM2021) NFT6 CYBER PUNK
Boys Noize +/- Album Launch
Web3 Fashion 101
Decentralised Reputation
Gatekeeper Gardens
Rug Radio x Keith Grossman (President of TIME)
Rovi Community Roundtable 2
Ethereals Ride or Die Token | Discord POAP #2
DG Chinese Community - Mid-Autumn Fest 2021
Alchemist x BlockFish AMA - POAP #1
CKC Launch Party
Staking v2 Launch! - mStable
Decentraland wishes you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival
Aavegotchi On Chain
Rocket Pool Pre-Launch Systems Check: The Great Sell Wall
superphiz.eth VS logicbeach.eth POAP Smackdown
Rovi Community Call 3 Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 37 2021
API3 X WhaleDAO AMA 2021-09-10
After Dinner Mints 9/12/21
Let's VeeFriends Week 16
Rocket Pool Pre-Launch Systems Check: Trail of Bits Audit Completed
Rovi Community Call 2
Boho Bones Launch
After Dinner Mints 9/5/21
POAP Crossover NFT Livestream
West Coast Customs X CarCoin AMA 09/03/21
Dungeons and Dragons - #2 - Training series
Ohmie Appreciation Night - Olympus Community Night 2
Public School with Kane Mayfield 2021-09-03
Rovi Launch!
Metamask 10 Million Users Party
The One Millionth POAP POAP
SIPHER Art Battle - The First Great War
Especial DPP 7k Telegram
Defy Builders #10 - SOLANA con Sergio B, Shuffledex, Profesor Utonio y Franco Muñiz
Arbitrum Launch
SIPHER Key 3 - Savior of the SIPHΞR Lab
Alchemist Radio / • Aug 29, 2021
Let's VeeFriends CH Week 14
VolleyBomb x EthFinance 2nd Birthday
SIPHER Key 1 - Wkh Sdvvskudvh lv FlskhuIruVlskhuv
Aavegotchi Haunt 2 Wearables Aug 26-29 Auction
Welcome To The Sevens
KeeperDAO Community Call #2
Synchronistic by Ashley Isaac Stevens
HaloDAO Commemorative POAP - 20K Members
Pickle Finance W3FW 2021
Red Carpet Event - Pumpkin Power Dogs (Day 1 Early Adopter)
Sale of Fidenza #313 - AB Community POAP Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 34 2021
Web3 Fashion Week 2021
W3FW Panel: Collectibles and PFPs in the Metaverse
Let's Veefriends :: Book Club Three
22k de seguidores en Twitter
After Dinner Mints 8/22/21
GB takes on The Judge
EthStaker Community Call #18: Saulius Grigaitis of the Grandine Beacon Chain Client
Let's VeeFriends CH Week 13
777 POAP
CLOWK OG Chibi Badge
Cipher Rap Sesh x WIPP Poetry Slam
Weekly WIP Meetup 2021-08-19
Foxyoga’s Lab - The Matthew & Rizzle Show 2021-08-18
r/EthFinance 2nd Birthday Livestream Party
Aavegotchi Haunt 2 POAP LoveGotchi
Crypto Cannabis Club Discord Join
Happy 2nd Birthday /r/EthFinance
SuperUMAns Community Call - August 17th, 2021 Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 33 2021
imnotArt - The New Digital: Born in Chicago Opening
After Dinner Mints 8/15/21
Future money ≫ Date
Cipher 2021-08-12
Reality Cards Community Play-Along #2
Float Capital & Polygon Twitter spaces AMA #2
I am a Fan of Orca DEX on Solana
First Million Dollar AB Sale - Ringers & Eternal Pump Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 32 2021
After Dinner Mints - 8/8/21
Ethereum London Network Upgrade
Foxy’s Lab - The Matthew & Rizzle Show 2021-08-04
AzerBlock AMA Session - Deeper Network Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 31 2021
BB Studios: Artist Hour with Ziggy
Pharo Badge test
Cantaloupe Island Flooting Grooves Drop
After Dinner Mints - 8/1/21
Contraband.eth RocketPool T-shirt Giveaway
Optimistic Spartans
Outlier Ventures Diffusion Live: A Two Day Web 3 Conference
Thank you for 2000 followers!
Celebration for 1,500 followers
MetaSeoul2021 Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 29 2021
EZ’s Corner 2021-07-19
EVAVERSE LAUNCH Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 28 2021
Swaggy Cows Early Supporter
The Doctor Who: Worlds Apart - First POAP
Let's VeeFriends :: Book Club One
Let's VeeFriends Pass Wk 6