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Exclusive Cards
Justicia Descentralizada para la Moderación de Redes Sociales | SEED Latam
Balmy | Earn Guardian Launch Party 🎉
CAP: Rendimiento Respaldado Para Monedas Estables | SEED Latam
157. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CLVII, 27 Sept. 2024: “Dreams of CyberEmpire: The Final Volume”
Governance Day | Second Edition | SEEDGov
Scroll in Argentina
ETH Argentina x Ripio
Ethereum Argentina Side Event | Chainlink, The Graph & Avalanche
156. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CLVI, 23 Feb. 2024: “The Wealth of Nations & Rise of the Sovereign Individual”
SEED Latam| GovTalks | Web3 Treasury 101: TradFi y Finanzas en DAOs
155. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CLV, 16 Feb. 2024: “Holacracy, Liquid Democracy & the Future of Governance”
154. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CLIV, 9 Feb. 2024: “The Internet of Blockchains”
ETH Cinco de Mayo, Cypherpunk Nightmares Edition
152. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXLII, 26 Ene. 2024: “STARKs, PLONKs, Bulletproofs & zkCrypto Wizardry”
151. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXLI, 19 Ene. 2024: “Universal Turing Machines & Von Neumann HyperStructures”
150. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXL, 12 Ene. 2024: “The Book of Satoshi”
149. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXLIX, 5 Ene. 2024: “Make Crypto Cyberpunk Again”
The Graph's 3rd Birthday Party in Buenos Aires
148. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXLVIII, 15 Dic. 2023: “Decentralized Society: Finding Web3’s Soul”
147. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXLVII, 8 Dic. 2023: “Guerrilla Open Access Manifesto”
#MartesDefiant - Bitcoin is the new Bitcoin
146. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXLVI, 1 Dic. 2023: “The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things & the Eclipse of Capitalism”
145. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXLV, 24 Nov. 2023: “The Road to AGI: SuperAlignment & The AI Wars of 2023”
144. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXLIV, 17 Nov. 2023: “Rise of the Robots & The Future of Artificial Intelligence”
143. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXLIII, 10 Nov. 2023: “The zk-Truth Machine”
142. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXLII, 3 Nov. 2023: "Ultra Hardcore Cryptography"
141. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXLI, 27 Oct. 2023: "The Conscience of a Hacker"
Proof Of Donation - LABITCONF 2023
SEED LATAM - 16th OPTIMISM Governance Call
KZG Ceremony Contributor
140. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXL, 20 Oct. 2023: "BlockchainWeek & ETH Mexico 2023"
139. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXXIX, 13 Oct. 2023: "Solarpunk Activism & Anti-Capitalist Philosophies"
AULA ABIERTA: Ciclo introductorio a gobernanzas | Gobernanza con experimentación | SEED Latam
SEED Latam - ARBITRUM 13th governance call
138. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXXVIII, 6 Oct. 2023: "Atlas Shrugged, Objectivism & Crypto Dystopias"
AULA ABIERTA: Ciclo introductorio a gobernanzas | Historia de la política y lecciones para la gobernanza de las DAO | SEED Latam
137. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXXVII, 29 Sept. 2023: "The Origins of Money, Austrian Economics & Bitcoin"
Bright Moments Buenos Aires #2
136. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXXVI, 22 Sept. 2023: "High-Tech Hayekians & Digital Age Rothbardians"
L2 Explorers: Scroll, la evolución de la escalabilidad zkEVM
135. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXXV, 15 Sept. 2023: "Dojo Supercomputer & AI Training Clusters"
134. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXXIV, 8 Sept. 2023: "Matematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik & Von Neumann Theories"
L2 Explorers: Una mirada general a las soluciones de escalabilidad de Ethereum
133. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXXIII, 25 Agosto 2023: "The Era of Ultra Scalable Blockchain Networks II"
Bitrefill@ETH Argentina 2023
132. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXXII, 18 Agosto 2023: "The Era of Ultra Scalable Blockchain Networks"
Modular Crypto - Buenos Aires 2023
Governance day - DAOCraft - Buenos Aires 2023
Kleros - Governance Day
131. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXXI, 11 Agosto 2023: "Ad Astra Per Aspera"
SEED Latam - ARBITRUM 8th governance call
SEED LATAM - 15th OPTIMISM Governance Call
130. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXX, 4 Agosto 2023: "The Future of Digital Identity in the XXI Century"
#4 Community call | SEED Latam
129. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXIX, 28 Julio 2023: "The Fabric of Reality"
Segunda Reunión del AVC Sovereign Finance en español
SEED Latam - ARBITRUM 7th governance call
128. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXVIII, 21 Julio 2023: "The Future History of the Open Internet"
127. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXVII, 14 Julio 2023: "Greenpilled: How Crypto can Regenerate the World"
SEED LATAM - 14th OPTIMISM Governance Call
SEED Latam - ARBITRUM 5th governance call
126. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXVI, 7 Julio 2023: "Tensor-Flow & Transformer Arquitectures"
125. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXV, 30 Junio 2023: "Liquid Democracy, Futarchy and Crypto Democracies"
#MartesDefiant - Creando juntos
"Más allá del Bloque" - T03E06
124. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXIV, 23 Junio 2023: "AI-based TechnoReligions, Dataism & TechnoMysticism"
SEED Latam - 3rd governance call
123. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXIII, 16 Junio 2023: "The Early Cypherpunk Years &The Satoshi Nakamoto Chronicles"
#3 Community call | SEED Latam
122. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXII, 9 Junio 2023: "Cypherpunk Army & The Digital Renaissance"
#MartesDefiant - B humana gigante
121. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXXI, 2 Junio 2023: "Roko’s Basilisk and SuperIntelligence Terrors"
#2 Community call | SEED Latam
SEED LATAM - 13th OP Governance Call
120. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXX, 26 Mayo 2023: "AI & The Industrial Internet of Things"
119. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXVIII, 19 Mayo 2023: "Space Colonization & Self-Assembling Space Megastructures"
1era Community Call 2023
118. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXVIII, 12 Mayo 2023: "Sparks of AGI: Generative Pre-Trained Transformer-4 (GPT-4)"
L2 en Español - Escalando con Polygon zkEVM 🟣
117. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXVII, 5 Mayo 2023: "The Time-Space Theory of Blockchain Systems"
#OPWorkshopSeries - Clase 2: Desarrollando en Optimism 👨💻.
SEED LATAM - 12th OP Governance Call
116. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXVI, 28 Abril 2023: "General AI: Our Last Invention"
DeFiSpace S02E02 - Lens Builders
#OPWorkshopSeries - Clase 1: Introducción a Optimism 🔴✨.
115. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXV, 21 Abril 2023: "The Altered Carbon Era"
114. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXIV, 14 Abril 2023: "Cyberlibertarianism: A Call to Cryptographic Arms"
SEED Latam - 2nd ARB Governance Call
Ethereum Mainnet Shapella Fork Livestream POAP
113. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXIII, 7 Abril 2023: "Euler number & Sacred Geometry, pt. 2"
L2 Wars #5 - La Era de zkSync
SEED LATAM - 11th OP Governance Call
"Más allá del Bloque" - T02E25
SEED LATAM - 1st ARB Governance Call
112. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXII, 31 Marzo 2023: "Euler number & Sacred Geometry"
#MartesDefiant - Mean Finance
111. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CXI, 24 Marzo 2023: "Technomancers"
110. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CX, 17 Marzo 2023: "The Art of Crypto War"
109. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CIX, 10 Marzo 2023: "Synthetic Intelects & Mixed Realities"
108. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CVIII, 3 Marzo 2023: "Memento Mori, Memento Vivere & Digital Stoicism"
#MartesDefiant - Connext
107. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CVII, 24 Feb. 2023: "Perfect Anonymity & DarkWeb CyberMarkets"
"Más allá del Bloque" - T02E19
106. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CVI, 17 Feb. 2023: "Cryptonomicon"
105. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CV, 10 Feb. 2023: "Feynman Path Integral & The Sum of All Possibilities"
L2 Wars #4 - FOMO y polémicas
#MartesDefiant - InteligencIA artificial
POAP Celebrates Checks
"Más allá del Bloque" - T02E17
104. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CIV, 3 Feb. 2023: "Big Data Democracy"
103. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CIII, 27 Ene. 2023: "The Rise of Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 3 (GPT-3)"
Optimism Español - Novedades de un futuro optimista
102. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CII, 20 Ene. 2023: "Political DAOs"
DeFi LATAM - 9th OP Governance Call
101. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. CI, 13 Ene. 2023: "The Digital Collaborative Commons 2023"
100. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. C, 6 Ene. 2023: "Sic Transit Gloria Mundi"
Hola Calypso 2023
99. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XCIX, 16 Dic. 2022: "Crypto Citadels & Futarchy Societies"
DeFi LATAM - 8th OP Governance Call
98. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XCVIII, 9 Dic. 2022: "The Crypto Renaissance"
L2 en Español - Space #L2Wars - Optimismo
97. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XCVII, 3 Dic. 2022: "Blockchain Artilects & SuperAI"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 01/12/2022
Ethereum Lima - Proof of Stake - ¿Cómo funciona?
#MartesDefiant - Kleros
96. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XCVI, 25 Nov. 2022: "Internet of All Things and the Dawn of Dataism"
L2 en Español - StarkNet en Español - Workshop #7 Serie StarkNet - Account Abstraction Pt.2
#MartesDefiant - Finanzas quantitativas
95. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XCV, 18 Nov. 2022: "The Demon-Haunted World"
#MartesDefiant - Emprendiendo en Web3, desafíos y aprendizajes
DeFiSpace #50: WakeUp Labs
94. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XCIV, 11 Nov. 2022: "Decentralized Nations & Deep Digital Worlds"
#MartesDefiant - Infraestructura Crypto
DeFi LATAM - 7th OP Governance Call
DeFiSpace #49: Composable
93. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XCIII, 4 Nov. 2022: "Ostrom´s Principles & Cyber-Physical Commons Frameworks"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 03/11/2022
#MartesDefiant - Descubriendo la magia de zero-knowledge proof
92. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XCII, 28 Oct. 2022: "Pax Cryptographica"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 27/10/2022
#MartesDefiant - FundIt Protocol
91. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XCI, 21 Oct. 2022: "AlphaFold & Synthetic Biology"
Defy Community Call 3- 19/10/2022
Proof Of Donation - EFDevcon
DeFi LATAM - 6th OP Governance Call
90. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXXX, 14 Oct. 2022: "DAO Cartography & Quadratic Lands"
Charlas No Fungibles | Sheinix Academy - Money On Chain & Gael Sanchez
89. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXXIX, 7 Oct. 2022: "The Network State"
L2 en Español - StarkNet en Español - Workshop #5 - Workshop Serie StarkNet 05 - Desplegando en StarkNet pt. 2
Defy Community Call #2 - 5/10/2022
#MartesDefiant - Stablecoins
88. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXXVIII, 30 Sept. 2022: "Cybernetic Samsara"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 29/09/2022
L2 en Español StarkNet en Español - Workshop #4 - Desplegando en StarkNet
DeFi LATAM - 5th OP Governance Call
87. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXXVII, 23 Sept. 2022: "Zero-Day Exploits & CyberWeapon Bazaars"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 22/09/2022
L2 en Español x StarkNet en Español - Workshop #3 - Ecosistema StarkNet
86. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXXVI, 16 Sept. 2022: "Calabi-Yau Manifolds & String Theory"
L2 en Español x StarkNet en Español - Workshop #2 - Ecosistema StarkNet
Cypherpunk Nightmares SPECIAL "The Merge"
ETH LATAM - The Merge en Español
85. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXXV, 9 Sept. 2022: "Biohackers, Transhumanists and Human Cyborgs"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 08/09/2022
Nico Bourbon en la belojuntada
L2 en Español x StarkNet en Español - Workshop #1 - Introducción a L2 y ZK Rollups
DeFi LATAM - 4th OP Governance Call
DeFiSpace #40: Producto en Web3
84. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXXIV, 2 Sept. 2022: "The Tao of Physics"
DeFi Dark Side - The Merge
DeFi LATAM - Friday I'm in Web3 - DeFi hecho real con Liquity
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 01-09-2022
83. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXXIII, 26 Agosto 2022: "Contracts Ex Machina"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 25-8-2022
82. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXXII, 19 Agosto 2022: "ETH Mexico"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 18/08/2022
81. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXXI, 12 Agosto 2022: "Digital Zapatismo"
80. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXX, 5 Agosto 2022: "Termination Shock"
Friday PUSH #21 Twitter Spaces - 2022
#MartesDefiant - NFTs: Casos de uso y oportunidades
79. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXIX, 29 Julio 2022: "LaMDA & Sentient AI"
DeFi LATAM - 3rd OP Governance Call
DeFi LATAM - Friday I'm in Web3 - Layer 2 Metis DAO
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 28/08/2022
Rebranding en RSK - CriptoLaPlata🤝Tropykus🤝Sovryn
78. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXVIII, 22 Julio 2022: "CRISPR People"
#MartesDefiant - El futuro de Ripio
77. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXVII, 15 Julio 2022: "Satoshi´s Techno Dreams"
DeFi LATAM - Friday I'm in Web3 - Descentralización de Starknet
Centrifuge & Altair Governance Call #7
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 14-7-2022
DeFiSpace #32: Mean Finance
76. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXVI, 8 Julio 2022: "The Cyberpunk Renaissance"
DeFi LATAM - 1st Governance Call - Optimism
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 7-7-2022
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 30/06/2022
#MartesDefiant - Historia del dinero
74. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXIV, 24 Junio 2022: "From CryptoAnarchy to CryptoCivilization"
#MartesDefiant - Conectando Web3 con el mundo real: Agrotoken
London Upgrade Painting Party - 100+ Pixel Dropper
Berlin Canvas Participant
73. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXIII, 17 Junio 2022: "The Puzzle Palace"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 16/06/2022
Ropsten Testnet Merge Protocol Supporter
72. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXII, 10 Junio 2022: "The Internet of Humans"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 09/06/2022
#MartesDefiant - Money Talks
71. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXXI, 3 Junio 2022: "Synthetic Technocracies"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 02/06/2022
PoH C.C.E. N° 26
#MartesDefiant - Boom Crypto en Argentina
70. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXX, 27 Mayo 2022: "Decentralized Society"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 26/05/2022
PoH C.C.E. N° 25
#MartesDefiant - Tron y casos de uso cripto.
69. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXIX, 20 Mayo 2022: "Until the End of Time"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 19/05/2022
#MartesDefiant - Gamefi
68. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXVIII, 13 Mayo 2022: "Vires in Numeris"
DeFi LATAM - Twitter Spaces 12/05/2022
PoH C.C.E. N° 23
#MartesDefiant - Tokenomics
67. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXVII, 6 Mayo 2022: "Spiritual DAOs & Crypto Religions"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 05/05/2022
PoH C.C.E. N°22
#MartesDefiant - Adopción Cripto
66. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXVI, 29 Abril 2022: "AR/VR and MetaRealities"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 28/04/2022
#MartesDefiant - POAP Art
65. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXV, 22 Abril 2022: "Internet of All Things"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 21/04/2022
DeFi LATAM - 2nd Anniversary - Access to POAP ART canvas
#MartesDefiant - DeFi con Impacto
64. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXIV, 15 Abril 2022: "TechnoWizards of the 21st Century"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 14/04/2022
DeFiSpace #23: Arquitectura EVM
63. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXIII, 8 Abril 2022: "The Genesis Engine"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 07/04/2022
#MartesDefiant - Cripto Cafecitos
62. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXI, 1 Abril 2022: "Space Race 2.0"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 31/03/2022
#MartesDefiant - Escalabilidad
61. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LXI, 25 Marzo 2022: "The Cryptopians"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 24/03/2022
Soluciones de escalabilidad con Polygon
60. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LX, 18 Marzo 2022: "Blockchain-based Lifeforms"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 17/03/2022
#MartesDefiant - Mercados
DeFi LATAM - Friday I'm in Web3 ♥️ - Henri Lieutaud de Starware
Más allá del Bloque - T01E03
59. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LIX, 11 Marzo 2022: "The God Protocols"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 10/03/2021
PoH First Anniversary Community Call
POAP Curation Community Call #9
Semana de la Mujer: Ciclo de charlas de Mujeres en Crypto
#MartesDefiant - Avalanche
58. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LVIII, 4 Marzo 2022: "Solarpunk Dreams"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 03/03/2022
POAP Curation Community Call #8
57. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LVII, 25 Febrero 2022: "Regenerative Cryptoeconomics"
CryptoChica - TwitterSpaces - CryptoContadores: Tarjetas de débito cripto
Local Terra - NatyShi Twitter Spaces
Zapper Español: Gestión de Cripoactivos en Defi
Zapper Community Call #32
CryptoChica - TwitterSpaces - Personal Branding
#bacOpenWebinar: Gestión de criptoactivos en DeFi, conociendo Zapper
56. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LV, 11 Febrero 2022: "Immortality, Inc."
DeFi Latam - Twitter Spaces 11/02/2022
DeFi LATAM - Telegram Meetup 10/2/2022
55. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LV, 4 Febrero 2022: "The Antisocial Network"
#MartesDefiant - ¿Qué son los oráculos?
Defy Builders #15 - Bridges, el hack a Wormhole, Multichain vs Crosschain y Maker DAI Wormhole con Felipe Buiras y Pablito.eth
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 03/02/2022
#MartesDefiant - Crypto para boludos.
54. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LIV, 28 Enero 2022: "Journey to the Edge of Reason"
DeFi LATAM - Twitter Spaces 28/01/2022
POAP Curation Community Call #3
#MartesDefiant - DeFi para todos.
53. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LIII, 21 Enero 2022: "Foundations of the Dataist Movement & Crypto Religions"
DeFi Latam - Twitter Spaces 21/01/2022
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 20/01/2022
Zapper Español: - Historia, Novedades y Usos
#MartesDefiant - Todo sobre NFTs
52. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LII, 14 Enero 2022: "Quantum Electrodynamics and Feynman diagrams"
#MartesDefiant - Todo sobre POAP
DeFi LATAM - Twitter Spaces 14/01/2022
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 13/01/2022
51. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. LI, 7 Enero 2022: "Autonomous Super AI Weaponized Systems"
Belojuntada con Pepo, de DeFi LATAM
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 06/01/2022
Introducción a la red KCC y a sus protocolos DeFi
Crypto Sheinix - Cripto Fogon
#MartesDefiant - DeFi en Polygon
#MartesDefiant - Justicia Descentralizada
Introducción a GoodDollar la criptomoneda de renta básica universal
First Proof of Humanity Twitter Space with Santi Siri
50. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. L, 10 Diciembre 2021: "Cypherpunk Citadel: The Beginnings"
DeFi LATAM - Twitter Meetup 09/12/2021 - Chainlink
CryptoChica - Twitter Spaces - nuARS: Entrevista con Santi Migone, COO de Num.Finance
CryptoChica - Twitter Spaces - 2001: Flashes de un diciembre histórico
49. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XLIX, 3 Diciembre 2021: "High Tech Hayekians"
DeFi LATAM - Twitter Meetup 02/12/2021
DeFi LATAM - Twitter Meetup 25/11/2021
48. Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XLVIII, 26 Noviembre 2021: "Ich bin Ein Singularitarian"
GRADUACIÓN CLASE 2021 ,DarkNet Academy Lección 4.0, 23 Noviembre 2021: "CriptoDemocracia, Dataísmo y las Tecno-Religiones del Siglo XXI"
Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XLVII, 19 Noviembre 2021: "Web 3.0 & the Cypherpunk Renaissance"
DeFi LATAM - Twitter Meetup 18/11/2021
16 Noviembre 2021, DarkNet Academy Lección 3.0: "Web 3.0, Lex Cryptographica y el Renacimiento Digital"
Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XLVI, 12 Noviembre 2021: "United Nodes of the Internet"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 11/11/2021
9 Noviembre 2021, DarkNet Academy Lección 2.0: "Bitcoin y la Anonimidad Absoluta en el Dinero"
#MartesDefiant - Mercados
Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XLV, 5 Noviembre 2021: "In Crypto We Trust"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 04/11/2021
2 Noviembre 2021, DarkNet Academy Lección 1.0: "La Historia Definitiva de los Cypherpunks"
Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XLIV, 29 Octubre 2021: "DarkNet Academy & Cypherpunk Army"
Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XLIII, 22 Octubre 2021: "Memento Mori, Amor Fati & Carpe Diem"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 21/10/2021
#MartesDefiant - Polygon
Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XLII, 15 Octubre 2021: "Bitcoin Billionaires & Crypto Royalty"
Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XLI, 8 Octubre 2021: "Pax Atomica"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 07/10/2021
#MartesDefiant: UBI con Santi Siri
CryptoHub Space
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 30/09/2021
Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XXXIX, 24 Sept. 2021: "Blockchain and the Law"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 23/09/2021
Cypherpunk Nightmares Vol. XXXVIII, 17 Sept. 2021: "Sapiens"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 16/09/2021
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol. XXXVII, 10 Sept. 2021: "The Master Algorithm"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 9/09/2021
Obtén el mejor precio con el agregador DEX: CowSwap
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol. XXXVI, 3 Sept. 2021: "Cryptography & The Digital Renaissance"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 02/09/2021
The One Millionth POAP POAP
Arbitrum Launch
¿Cómo lanzar un ICO? La experiencia práctica de Bit2me
Especial DPP 7k Telegram
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol. XXXV, 27 Agosto 2021: "From Lex Mercatoria to Lex Cryptographica"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 26/08/2021
Defy Builders #9 - QiDAO (MAI) con Benjamin
Charla: Cómo conseguir crowfunding en la comunidad de Ethereum - DeFi Latam te explica
La Disrupción del Mundo Financiero con las Finanzas Descentralizadas
22k de seguidores en Twitter
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol. XXXIV, 20 Agosto 2021: "The Age of Surveillance & the Cypherpunk Revolution"
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 19/08/2021
Messari es tu herramienta de información DeFi en tus decisiones de inversión
La mejor estrategia de inversión en Uniswap V3 con el simulador
#MartesDefiant: Bitcoin y El Salvador
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - August 16th
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol XXXIII, “Solarpunk, Cyberpunk, Steampunk & Techno Dystopias”
CryptoChica - 2da temporada - Crypto Contadores
DeFi LATAM - AMA Mean Finance + Discord Meetup 11/08/2021
Revolucionando el dinero: Superfluid Finance - Computer Society ITBA junto a Francesco Renzi
Entrevista Tropykus-NatyShi
CryptoChica - 2da temporada - Aura Art
#MartesDefiant: DAOs y el futuro de las organizaciones
EthStaker London Network Livestream Painting Party - Pixel Dropper
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol XXXII, “Transhumanism, Exohumanism & Singularitarianism”
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 04/08/2021
Ethereum London Network Upgrade
EthStaker Presents: London Network Upgrade Livestream Party
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol XXXI, “CryptoEconomics, Ethereum, London & EIP1559”
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 29/07/2021
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol XXX, “Futarchy, Liquid Democracy & Digital Governments”
DeFi LATAM - Especial Aniversario Ether Sale
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol XXIX, “Hyper-TechnoIndustrial Revolution”
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 15/07/2021
DeFi LATAM Virtual #3 - MEV, Flashbots y Dark Forest
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol XXVIII, “The Wild West of Programmatic Money Flows” Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 27 2021
Decentral Games' Up Late with DG Casino Night - PLAY - July 8th
Café Crypto #007: TechnoKing de Lex Cryptographica
Badger Community Art Poap Participants
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol XXVII, “Cybernetic Visions from a Hypertechnified World, pt 2”
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 01/07/2021
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol XXVI, “Cybernetic Visions from a Hypertechnified World”
Badger Community Art POAP
Agora Humano HIP-16 PoH
Café Crypto #006: Santiago Cristobal
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - June 21st
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol XXV, “Big Data & Genetic Algorithms”
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 17/06/2021
Decentral Games' Up Late with DG Casino Night - PLAY - June 17th
Decentral Games' Presents Aeron's NFT Art Auction and Showcase - June 17th
Café Crypto #005: Cardano
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol XXIV, “Dataism & Homo Deus”
Decentral Games' Casino Night High Tech - Crypto - June 11th
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 10/06/2021
Café Crypto #004: Mariano Conti
Decentral Games' Atari Casino Night- PLAY - June 9th
Decentral Games' Presents Dimitris Mann x OMGDrops NFT Drop - June 8th
Decentral Games' WSODG - Soft Poker Launch - June 7th
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - June 7th
Decentral Games Noche De Casino - PLAY - June 5th
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol XXIII, “Cybernetic Warfare”
Decentral Games Casino Night High Tech - Crypto - June 4th
Decentral Games' Immerse with Pop RoXxX - June 4th
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 03/06/2021
Decentral Games Up Late with DG Casino Night - PLAY - June 3rd
Decentral Games' Presents Charged Particles - June 3rd
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - May 31st
Decentral Games Noche De Casino - PLAY - May 29th
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol XXII, “The Phantom Menace”
The Road To Devcon 2021 - Quest 2: Painting Party Viewer
Decentral Games' Live NFT Art Auction - Cinnamon Dream - May 25th
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - May 24th
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol XXI, “Techno Utopias”
Decentral Games Casino Night High Tech - Crypto - May 21st
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 20/05/2021
Decentral Games Live NFT Art Auction - Yog Joshi - May 18th
Decentral Games Casino Night - Crypto - May 17th
Decentral Games Casino Night High Tech - Crypto - May 14th
DeFi LATAM - Discord Meetup 13/05/2021
Decentral Games' Bootsy Collins x OMG DROPS' NFT Drop and Showcase - May 13th
Decentral Games - The Dingleberries NFT Art Auction and Showcase - May 6th
Decentral Games Casino Night - PLAY - May 5th
Decentral Games Live NFT Art Auction - AI Art House Collection - May 4th
Decentral Games Casino Night - Crypto - May 3rd
Cypherpunk Nightmares, Vol XVIII, “The Bitcoin Standard”
belojuntada 290421 - CryptoChica in da house
Decentral Games Casino Night Asia/Aussie - PLAY - April 30th
Berlin Hardfork Party
belo - #ladob - DeFi_LATAM y comunidad con Luciano Orlando
NFTHack Summit Attendee
RFI AMA 03-17-2021
Decentral Games Nghtmre x Greg Mike NFT Nifty Gateway release party - March 17th, 2021
Decentral Games Nghtmre x Greg Mike NFT Nifty Gateway release party - March 17th, 2021
MetaTrip #10
Known Origin - Adidas - Decentraland
Lushsux Makersplace event
Lushsux Makersplace event
- Sesion 3: Aave para desarrolladores. David Canillas Racero (Aave)
POAP Community Call #1