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Exclusive Cards
1inch Network DAO -- Second Community Call
DG Chinese Community - WeChat 1000paxs - Member
DG Chinese Community - CNY 2022
Tiger Hunt in Dragon City - 2022 Spring Festival
Thalia & NFTs day 5: Legal Panel, DAOS and DEFI. Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 5 2022
SuperLayer Sundays x Syndicate DAO x SLCF
Crypto Tax Summit
The Rocking Uniquehorns | Elle Lexxa | Live Performance | [Jan 22nd 2022]
Decentraland 中文社区 Lolli-POAP3
Tropix Fam Discord Party #07 ft. Deerock - January 2nd, 2022
CLUB NIGHTS WEEK 41 Basement Peformance at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International Community Call #1
Tropix Fam Discord Party #08 ft. Cole-Man - January 19th, 2022
Music Blockchain Show 1/18
The Rocking Uniquehorns | Coconut Sunday | Live Performance
iZoo DJ Set @ CLUB NIGHTS WEEK 40 @ Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
CLURGE CLUB NIGHTS WEEK 40 @ flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 2 2022
Concave Genesis
Decentral Games' Presents Asia & Australia Crypto Competition - 13th Jan.
Decentraland 中文社区 - 2022欢庆春节
Xmas with CyberConnect 2021
Decentral Games' Presents DG & Comedy Decentral presents Vancity Comedy Extravaganza LIVE
Misucmaker @ CromUland
LifeOfMuskNFT Art Exhibition - December 22
MoCDA presents the group show MEMENTO MINTI
Blessing from the year of the tiger
Pattern Hungry ‘Vertices’ Collection No. 3 Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 1 2022
DystoApez x Tropix DJ Pre-Mint Party - December 27th, 2021
Kaskade NYE @BillGrahamCivic
Tropix Fam Discord Party #06 ft. Charlie Wonder - December 23rd, 2021
CryptoRayRayPump Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 52 2021
GM 25 Dec 2021 - The GM Circle
Tropix Fam Discord Party #04 ft. JAMO - December 21st, 2021
Life Of Musk NFT Art Exhibition - Xmas
Mistacular Masquerade Halloween Party
MetaZoo International 2021 Xmas Wearable Claim
CLUB NIGHTS WEEK 37 at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
You’re the worst! — EWB POAP #3
WGF | The Witchlist
ONE37pm’s 25 Days of POAP Day 21 | Inside The Screen Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 51 2021
The Rocking Uniquehorns | DJ/Dancer, CJ Fuentes | LIVE Performance
Decentraland 中文社区 - 2021圣诞节
Decentraland 中文社区 - 2022跨年纪念徽章
GANG ACTIVITY: Volume #1.5
LifeOfMuskNFT Art Exhibition - December 8
24 Hour Special on The Decentraland Report
The Holy Ones - #HolyRail - #RailParty #1 - @The Aquarium Casino.
TRU Band Room Gig: 1C4RU5™ LIVE (Dec 11th 10pm UTC)
CLUB NIGHTS WEEK 35 at Flashrekt's Temple of Beat at MetaZoo International
Pukenza Voter!
Yat Discord 50k Watch Party
POAPathon 4,000+ Discord Members
After Dinner Mints 12/08/21
ONE37pm’s 25 Days of POAP Day 7 | 7:31 AM Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 49 2021
WATA Lesson 52 Release
StakeFish Sandbox Party
David Drebin Diamond Dust Digital
Defina Finance - Live Streaming Party!
PolkaWorld Community Meet Up
GM with GV
After Dinner Mints 12/01/21
xDaiPunks $PUNK Token Launch
The Official NFT BZL x DCENTRAL Rarible Badge
DG Chinese Community - 1st Anniversary of $DG
Virtual Pangea - Level Up
Beacon Chain Launch: 1 Year Anniversary
Kangaroo Heroes NFT 101-1
EZ’s Corner 11/29
BlockFish Commuity x Metaverse Advertisement DAO AMA
sidewaysDAO: 𝖋𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝖙𝖊𝖒𝖕𝖑𝖊 𝖆𝖋𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖞
CLUB NIGHTS Week 33 at flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
Eclectic Method 11/26
TokenSmart Cipher 11/25
TRU Band Room Gig: ASH ORPHAN LIVE (Nov 25th 9pm UTC)
Archverse Beibei: Modernization and Group Life
Aquarium Crypto Tourney Thursday
POAPathon FRENsgiving 2021 Pixel Party
VNFT Twitter Spaces #1
After Dinner Mints 11/24/21 Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 47 2021
CLUBNIGHTS Week 32 at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #15 - November 8th-14th
Boson Forum - The Dawn of Metaverse Commerce
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #14 - November 8th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #13 - November 1st-7th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #12 - November 8th-14th
Mortimer's POAP Hunt 2021 Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 46 2021
Decentraland 中文社区 Lolli-POAP2
xDai Tigers - EIP 1559 - POAP Hunt 5 THE FINAL HUNT (xDai Tigers x Annaa)
The Hourglass Presents Isaac Friend
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #7- November 1st-7th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #9 - November 1st-7th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #10 - November 1st-7th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #6 - November 1st-7th
Charged Particles - Nested NFTs and DeFi NFTs
Jax Hideaway - MetaJAX 11/04
Rare Pizzas NFT Release Party - POAP Hunt '21
Ambition WTF's Treasure - POAP Hunt '21
Flamingo DAO's Treasure - POAP Hunt '21
The Defiant’s Treasure - POAP Hunt NYC ‘21
WVRPS by for NFTNYC 2021
The Sandbox Treasure - POAP Hunt '21
gmoney's Treasure - POAP Hunt NYC ‘21
Protocol Labs Treasure - POAP Hunt '21
Doodle Labs' Treasure - POAP Hunt '21
Audius' Treasure - POAP Hunt '21
Shillr's Treasure - POAP Hunt '21 Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 44 2021
Mask Ephemera- SearchLight in Pranksy's Place
Pleasr DAO's Treasure - POAP Hunt '21
NFTS ARE DEAD: Halloween Party
Metaverse Music Festival 2021: MVMF KickOff
SnarkySharkz Meta Party at The Aquarium
Metaverse Festival - Streamzy Jazz Club - Ray Gelato Giants
Metaverse Festival - MultiNFT Techno Stage - Day 4
Metaverse Festival - Genies presents Paris Hilton + Special Guest - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - Streamzy Jazz Club - The British Collective
Metaverse Festival - Spottie Wifi - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - Akira the Don - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - Harrison First - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - Cody Frost - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - The Harrison Acoustic Stage - Day 4
Decentral Games' WSODG W42 - Sunday - October 24th
Metaverse Festival - The World Stage - Day 3
Metaverse Festival - Streamzy Jazz Club - Ilario Ferrari trio
Metaverse Festival - MultiNFT Techno Stage - Day 3
Metaverse Festival - Deadmau5 - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - Aluna (of AlunaGeorge) - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - RIZ LA VIE - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - Autograf - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - Big Ligas presents: Koala Stage
Metaverse Festival - The Harrison Acoustic Stage - Day 3
The Hourglass presents Mitchel Evan & The Mayhem
Metaverse Festival - The World Stage - Day 2
Metaverse Festival - The Harrison Acoustic Stage - Day 1
Metaverse Festival - The Harrison Acoustic Stage - Day 2
Metaverse Festival - MultiNFT Techno Stage - Day 2
CLUBNIGHTS Week 28 at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
Wayfare: Human in the loop AMM
Metaverse Festival - MultiNFT Techno Stage - Day 1
Metaverse Festival - 3LAU - Evolution Stage Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 42 2021
Metaverse Festival - OG Smash Stage
Butterfly Catch (Summer Festival 2021)
The Prologue Quest
Tokemak x ShapeShift AMA
Bloot Girls Goddess Token
DAOSquare-Community Call-#10
LogicBots Series 2021 Launch
SuperYeti 3
Rocket Pool POAP Collector
Public School with Kane Mayfield - Ep. #116
ShapeShift DAO Reward Program Community Call
Royal Pheasants Golf Club Inaugural Launch Token
JAX Hideaway - MetaJAX 2021-10-07
zkSync Quiz 1
Happy Camper Club NFT [Early Adopters]
Ethereals Moon Mission POAP #4
WIP Publishing 2021-10-06
VeeFam DAO OGG Coin
ShapeShift DAO Engineering Demos #2
hello world everyone
NFTFY Official Launch Party - POAP
REtoken DAO | Community Call (s0cc6) | Wed 7p EDT | 29Sep2021 Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 40 2021
ShapeShift DAO Weekly Ops Sprint October 4
EthStaker Presents: Calm Before The Storm
OHALE celebrates Nigeria @ 61
Zapper and Rocket Pool Crossover
DCL REPORTER | Fractilians MetaExcursions #1
First 2k+ Eth AB Sale - Ringer #109
Meta City & Metadogepunks Launch Event (with POAP and Wearable Giveaway)
After Dinner Mints 10/03/21
MaskDAO Weekly Call - Saturday 10/02
Crypto-Pills NYC
Inside ThorGuards: NFTs for the THORChain Community
IScreams Launch Party | CLUB NIGHTS: Week 25 @ Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
Public School with Kane Mayfield - Episode 114
DEEP SESSIONS 2 - Proof of Protection
POAP x Rocket Pool: Crossover Celebration
Rumi: 814th Birthday Celebration | Poetry Reading w/Live Sufi Music 🎤🎼🚀 | Clubhouse POAP #1
The Nifty Island B33 Photo Contest
Jax Hideaway - MetaJAX 2021-09-30
Curio Cards Christie's Auction 1
Decentral Games' Up Late with DG Casino Night - September 30th
TensaiStudio Puzzle Lab Monthly Puzzle: Level 16
Rocketpool Learns Chinese
Wicked Ape Bone Club - Operation WCKD Commences☠️
Rocket Pool / Bankless Crossover event
The sunshine-colored, upbeat mascot of the Highstreet commerce-centric metaverse.
Decentral Games' Community Meetup w/ David Bianchi's "BREAK THE BARS" - September 30th
VPunks Launch Party
VeeFriends x Christie's 10/01
DigiWeed Member Reward
Space Shiba Mountain
Stoner Talk Ep. 2 POAP
Crypto Competition at The Aquarium - 30/09/2021
NFT Fest Australia Unofficial Community POAP
The Daily Gwei X Rocket Pool: Unfarmed
Rocket Pool X Rari Capital
Looks Rare - BURN
Looks Rare - DROP
Dystopia MaskDAO'd v1.1
Reddit / Rocket Pool Crossover Celebration
Webinar sobre Blockchain Camara Comercio Badajoz
The Daily Gwei X Rocket Pool
zkSync Quiz 1
Rocket Pool + Balancer Crossover
Cryptohoots #1533 Barn Owl & #2100 Great Horned Owl
CRYPTOBERFEST Pre(S)Ale - Discord Badge
NFT MAIDS PARTY First Memorial
Beanie x Farokh Ceasefire Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 39 2021
Rovi Community Call 5
Aastronaut Aavegotchi
Aakua's top 1,000 supporters
ADA Punks Release Party!
CTK's Book of Alchemy AMA
Quiet Golf
Goobie (Goobers Reveal Party)
Apy.Vision #GotchiVision Discord Party
After Dinner Mints 9/26/21
MaskDAO Weekly Call - Saturday 9/25
Tarots.Today 25
Interdimensional Football Launch
PolygonLow#1-10 Wearables Party
Alchemist ⚗️ Toomanytrips' Radio Spectacular on Alchemist Radio
Decentraland 中文社区
Script Community Early Supporters
Remember, Remember, the 24th of September
Museum of Fine Yams Presents "Romantic Futurism" og
Malaysia Blockchain Month (MBM2021) NFT6 CYBER PUNK
Web3 Fashion 101
Shark Bits Early Adopters
Rug Radio x Keith Grossman (President of TIME)
Ethereals Ride or Die Token | Discord POAP #2
Gatekeeper Gardens
Decentralised Reputation
LOOK— Web3 Metaverse Composable Fashion
Identity Across the Metaverse
Wall Street Bets - Liquidity Pool
Wall Street Bets - Diamond Hands
Wall Street Bets - Due Diligence
Wall Street Bets - Diamond Dog Sandbox Weekly Canvas - Week 38 2021
Rovi Community Call 4
32wonders - Opensea Listing Party Attendee
Malaysia Blockchain Month (MBM2021) #NFT2 MALAYSIA FLAG
Naughty PIPPI Airdrop 2nd week
Rovi Community Roundtable 2
Alchemist x BlockFish AMA - POAP #1
ABM Post-Launch Party
Zapper Season One OG
After Dinner Mints 9/19/21
RP discord hangs out with @SquishChaos
imnotArt - DAYTIMΞ VIBΞS vol 1 - Virtual
Metamask 10 Million Users Party
EthStaker Presents: Securing Your Rocket Pool Node w/ Mentor
Tarots.Today 18
Let's VeeFriends Week 17
Cardano ( ADA )
MDNGT Cuddle Club #004
Dungeons and Dragons - #2 - Training series
CKC Launch Party
Staking v2 Launch! - mStable
Decentraland wishes you a Happy Mid Autumn Festival
Rocket Pool Pre-Launch Systems Check: The Great Sell Wall
Aavegotchi On Chain