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Exclusive Cards
SnarkySharkz Society OG POAP
Decentral Games' Presents Party & Bullish w/ King Mizo Weekly Meta Party - 24th March
DCL Fashion Week at TrustSwap HQ
Decentral Games' Presents META-VERZUS Episode 8: MunRaxixe Aka Jannotti vs Milito DG vs sm0ke skreeZy
The Hourglass presents CAS
Tasty Toastys @ MetaDome
Astromojis - Mental Health & Wellness Festival
Heineken Silver brings you the first brewery in Decentraland.
Decentral Games' Presents The Nutted Society Whitelist Game Night
Decentral Games' DAO Proposal Vote - Airdrop tokens to DG Wearable Owners
YouMack XOXO Glow Walkman
Decentral Games' Presents Immerse with Pop RoXxX - A Live Entertainment Experience - 11th March
Decentral Games' Presents META-VERZUS Episode 6: REX SESHUNZ vs ALI
Decentral Games' Presents SUNDAY FUNDAY Free Play Game Night w/ $250 in Prizes
Metaverse Info Center: Launch Event
Council of Kingz @ MetaDome
CLUB NIGHTS Week 47 VIP at FLASHREKT's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
STONEY EYE Performance at CLUB NIGHTS Week 47 at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games' Presents Immerse with Pop RoXxX - A Live Entertainment Experience - 04 March
Decentral Games' Presents MetaPortal's Game Index Launch Party
Decentral Games DAO Proposal Vote - Use of Proceeds from Next ETH Mint
Decentral Games DAO Proposal Vote - Incentivizing Long-Term xDG Holding
Decentral Games' Presents META-VERZUS Episode 5: Shah Leezy vs Blockchain Fame
Decentral Games' Presents MetaGoons' Welcome to the Metaverse Party w/ 3-Piece Wearables Drop
CLUB NIGHTS WEEK 46 VIP at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MeatZoo International
Sex Samples Performance at CLUB NIGHTS at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MeatZoo International
Decentral Games' Presents Noche Hispanohablantes Competencia FREE PLAY - 25th Feb.
Decentral Games' Presents Comedy Decentral's MIC DROP - Featuring Gilbert Gottfried LIVE
Decentral Games' Presents MEGA MUTANT Serum 3 Reveal Afterparty @ 8:30pm UTC / 1:30am EST
Decentral Games & Mutant Cartel - Serum 3 Gold Token - February 22nd
Universe: Maria Pascual
SUNDAY BRUNCH VIBES w/ PORTION | Hosted by DJ Stoney | Week 12
Zipmex Scavenger Hunt
CLUB NIGHTS WEEK 45 @ flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
CLUB NIGHTS WEEK 45 VIP @ flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games' Presents Noche Hispanohablantes Competencia FREE PLAY - 18th Feb.
Zipmex Attendance
Decentral Games' Presents Immerse with Pop RoXxX - A Live Entertainment Experience - 18th Feb.
this is a metaverse festival too
Decentral Games' Presents META-VERZUS Episode 3: UPSIDE BEATS vs DYNAMO - 15th Feb.
Lonely Hearts Club - Dollhouse
Decentral Games' DAO Vote Participation - Incentivize Owners / Players to Participate in DAO Votes
Decentral Games' Presents SUNDAY FUNDAY Crypto Competition w/ $1500 in Prizes
Miller Lite Presents: The First Big Game Ad In The Metaverse
Mr.Swe @ CromUland
Get High as a Kite w/Doctor Dripp
Decentral Games' Presents META-VERZUS Episode 2: DREW MILLZ vs KDB
Decentral Games' SnarkySharkz Roadmap v2.0 Reveal Party - February 6th
Internaut’s Birthday Party - Dollhouse
Decentral Games' Presents META-VERZUS Episode 1: C.ROWE vs JAMES $CRAMBLE
AO Metaverse Party featuring Steve Aoki, Masked Wolf & Tigerlily
FACE Fashion Grant Award - SKRANTZ
Decentral Games' Presents Immerse with Pop RoXxX - 28th Jan.
Decentral Games' Presents Late Night with DG - FREE Play Game Night -28th Jan.
Decentral Games' Presents $DG Hodler Roundtable - DAO Discussion - Jan. 27th
Decentral Games' Presents DG & Guerilla Music present the META-VERZUS!
Decentral Games' Presents Crypto Game Night w/ $1,500 Prize Pool in $DG
Rebel Bots @ MetaDome
CLUB NIGHTS WEEK 41 VIP at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
CLUB NIGHTS WEEK 41 Basement Peformance at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games' Presents Crypto Game Night
Decentral Games' Presents Late Night with DG - FREE Play Game Night
Decentral Games' Crypto Casino Night- Jan. 17th
Decentral Games' Presents Clurge Chameleon Eyes Wearable Drop Party w/ NFT Giveaways
The Rocking Uniquehorns | Ash Orphan | LIVE Performance [Jan 13th 2022]
Crytpo Tourney Aquarium Tuesdays
Petaverse Parkour!
Decentral Games' Presents $DG Hodler Roundtable - DAO Discussion
CCC Gray Pants Parkour
NPACT NYE 2022 Charity Event - JOEL JAMES LIVE
NPACT NYE 2022 Charity Event
The Rocking Uniquehorns | King Mizo | LIVE Performance
Decentral Games' New Year's Eve Scavenger Hunt POAP #3
Decentral Games' New Year's Eve Scavenger Hunt POAP #4
Decentral Games' New Year's Eve Scavenger Hunt POAP #2
Decentral Games' New Year's Eve Scavenger Hunt POAP #1
Decentral Games' NYE Party 2021 - December 31st
Decentral Games' New Year's Eve Scavenger Hunt POAP #5
Decentral Games' PresentsSpaceOne x DG x Banquet Countdown to AstroTux Auction - Day 4
Decentral Games' Presents the Exclusible Alpha & Theia Metaverse Party
Decentral Games' Presents SpaceOne x DG x Banquet Countdown to AstroTux Auction - Day 2
Decentral Games x SpaceOne x Banquet - Rocket Backpack FREE WEARABLE Claim TOKEN
Decentral Games' Presents SpaceOne x DG x Banquet Countdown to AstroTux Auction
Decentral Games' Presents Crypto Casino Nightc @ 9pm UTC / 4pm EST
Stoney Eye Performance at MetaZoo International Xmas Party
CLUB NIGHTS WEEK 37 at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
MetaZoo International 2021 Xmas Wearable Claim
MetaZoo International Wearable Claim | Green Santa Hat Sponsored by JTV
Decentral Games' Presents $DG Hodler Roundtable - DAO Discussion - December 23th
MetaDrip CLUB NIGHTS Week 36 at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games Presents the Bitgirl vs Bullstreet NFT Auction & Showcase - December 16th
CryptSannin Wearable Release Party
Early Adopters
Decentral Games Crypto Casino Night - December 13th @ 9pm UTC
Stay at Home Deebies x Miami Art Basel 2021
DEEBIES x Miami Art Basel 2021
Dec 7th NFTuesday
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - December 6th
Decentral Games' Community Meetup w/ - December 6th
Decentral Games' Mutant Cartel Metaparty & Crypto Competition - December 4th
ONE37pm’s 25 Days of POAP Day 3 | Deadfellaz
Decentral Games' $DG Hodler Roundtable and DAO Discussion - December 2nd
Decentral Games' 7 Days of $DG - Celebration of $DG 1 Yr Anniversary DAY 6 - November 30th
Decentral Games' 7 Days of $DG - Celebration of $DG 1 Yr Anniversary DAY 5 - November 29th
Decentral Games' 7 Days of $DG - Celebration of $DG 1 Yr Anniversary DAY 3 - November 27th
Decentral Games Presents Riding Big Waves in the Metaverse - November 19th
Decentral Games' NFT Casino Night - Crypto -November 26th
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - November 22nd
DG Community Meet Up - Guest Speaker: Comedy D Central
Movember at the NEST week 3
MetaMazeMonday 2
MetaMazeMonday 1
Slices of the Metaverse 6
Decentral Games' Presents Penguin Fight Club Poker Tourney - November 14th
CLUB NIGHTS Week 31 at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #9 - November 1st-7th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #10 - November 1st-7th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #8 - November 1st-7th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #6 - November 1st-7th
Decentral Games x CoinGecko Scavenger Hunt #7- November 1st-7th
Decentral Games' NFT Casino Night - Crypto -November 12th
Movie Night @ Star Cinema
xDai Tigers || EIP-1559 on xDai || The Countdown Party || POAP Hunt 1 (xDai Tigers x Cosmoburn)
Decentral Games' $DG Hodler Roundtable and DAO Discussion - November 11th
Parcel Party Presents: MAGIC HOUR with Stoney 2021 - Week 2
Altcoin Helicopter Parkour
Nov 9th NFTuesday
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - November 8th
Slices of the Metaverse 5
CLUB NIGHTS WEEK 30 VIP @ flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
CLUB NIGHTS WEEK 30 @ flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games' NFT Casino Night - Crypto -November 5th
Altcoin Puzzle Poap - REMO
Decentral Games' Crypto Casino Night Chateau Satoshi - November 3rd
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - November 1st
Slices of the Metaverse 4
NFTS ARE DEAD: Halloween Party
The BoneYard - Show XX - w/ NFT Update
HAUNTED RAVE Club Nights WEEK 29 at MetaZoo Intl.
HAUNTED RAVE Easter Egg at MetaZoo Intl.
STONEY EYE HAUNTED RAVE Halloween Party at MetaZoo Intl.
Decentral Games' NFT Casino Night - Crypto -October 29th
The Decentraland Report October 29
YouMack's Movie Night
Portion Digital Fashion Month
SnarkySharkz Meta Party at The Aquarium
Decentral Games' Crypto Casino Night Chateau Satoshi - October 27th
Decentral Games' WSODG W43 -Tuesday - October 26th
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - October 25th
Decentral Games' WSODG W42 - Sunday - October 24th
Metaverse Festival - Genies presents Paris Hilton + Special Guest - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - Streamzy Jazz Club - The British Collective
Metaverse Festival - Spottie Wifi - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - Akira the Don - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - Harrison First - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - The Harrison Acoustic Stage - Day 4
ACR HQ Festival Party Giveaway
Metaverse Festival - MultiNFT Techno Stage - Day 3
Decentral Games' WSODG W42 - Saturday - October 23rd
Metaverse Festival - Deadmau5 - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - Aluna (of AlunaGeorge) - Evolution Stage
Metaverse Festival - Big Ligas presents: Koala Stage
Metaverse Festival - MultiNFT Techno Stage - Day 2
CLUBNIGHTS Week 28 VIP at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
CLUBNIGHTS Week 28 at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
Metaverse Festival 2021: Metakey VIP
Decentral Games' NFT Casino Night - Crypto -October 22nd
Decentral Games' WSODG W42 - Friday - October 22nd
Metaverse Festival - The Harrison Acoustic Stage - Day 1
Metaverse Festival - The Harrison Acoustic Stage - Day 2
Decentral Games' WSODG W42 -Thursday - October 21st
Metaverse Festival - 3LAU - Evolution Stage
Decentral Games' $DG Hodler Roundtable and DAO Discussion - October 21st
Metaverse Festival - The World Stage
YouMack's Puzzle Challenge
Decentral Games' WSODG W42 - Wednesday - October 20th
Shiba - Believe the '1 Cent Dream'
Decentral Games' Crypto Casino Night Chateau Satoshi - October 20th
Butterfly Catch (Summer Festival 2021)
The DCL Report - Oct 20
Decentral Games' WSODG W42 -Tuesday - October 19th
Decentral Games' WSODG W42 - Monday - October 18th
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - October 18th
The DCL Report Oct 18th
Slices of the Metaverse - Meet & Greet #2
AltcoinRadio Penguin Fight Club Puzzle Poap
October 12 NFTuesday
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - October 11th
Decentral Games' Pentoshi & Friends Meta Party - October 11th
Mr. Wildenfree's "Still Flowing" DCL Listening Event
Slices of the Metaverse - Meet & Greet #1 Launch
Amnesia Virtual Launch Party - DJenerates' VIP Lounge - October 9th
Decentral Games' Presents Amnesia SuperClub Virtual Launch Party - October 9th
Decentral Games' WSODG W40 - Friday - October 8th
CLUBNIGHTS Week 26 @ Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International VIP
CLUBNIGHTS Week 26 @ Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
The Boogie Down
Boogie Down 2
Tezos Gallery + Podcast Ft. Armen, Bendy, and Jet
Slices of the Metaverse 1
Decentral Games' Casino Night Asia & Australia - PLAY - October 8th
AltcoinRadio Maze Craze
Decentral Games' Presents The Guild Artist Series: Silje Thorn - October 7th
Decentral Games' $DG Hodler Roundtable and DAO Discussion - October 7th
Decentral Games' WSODG W40 - Wednesday - October 6th
Decentral Games Presents Anjulie Single Drop of NFT "White Lights" - October 6th
Decentral Games' Crypto Casino Night Chateau Satoshi - October 6th
AltcoinRadio - 90s Puzzle POAP
Decentral Games' WSODG W40 -Tuesday - October 5th
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - October 4th
Club Nyan Cat Soft Opening
Blood for Bitcoin Puzzle
The Hourglass presents Mitchel Evan & The Mayhem
OHALE celebrates Nigeria @ 61
MetaMess Twitter followers 1K
First 2k+ Eth AB Sale - Ringer #109
After Dinner Mints 10/03/21
Meta City & Metadogepunks Launch Event (with POAP and Wearable Giveaway)
PUZZLE AltcoinRadioHQ
Decentral Games' Noche De Casino - PLAY - October 2nd
IScreams Launch Party VIP | CLUB NIGHTS: Week 25 @ Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo Intl.
IScreams Launch Party | CLUB NIGHTS: Week 25 @ Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
Team Human Magazine
DEEP SESSIONS 2 - Proof of Protection
Decentral Games' NFT Casino Night - Crypto -October 1st
Decentral Games' Immerse with Pop RoXxX - October 1st
POAP x Rocket Pool: Crossover Celebration
Curio Cards Christie's Auction 1
Rocket Pool X Rari Capital
VPunks Launch Party
Decentral Games' Up Late with DG Casino Night - September 30th
Decentral Games' Community Meetup w/ David Bianchi's "BREAK THE BARS" - September 30th
The Wonderquest - The Great Escape
Stoner Talk Ep. 2 POAP
Looks Rare - BURN
Reddit / Rocket Pool Crossover Celebration
MaticVerse's NFT Launch Party at MetaZoo
Decentral Games' Crypto Casino Night Chateau Satoshi - September 29th
NFT MAIDS PARTY First Memorial
Cryptohoots #1533 Barn Owl & #2100 Great Horned Owl
Sep 28 2021 #NFTuesday Scavenger Hunt | Hosted By The Decentraland Report
SnarkySharkz Gallery Party feat PurpleTariat and OceanMarine at MetaZoo Intl. VIP
SnarkySharkz Gallery Party feat PurpleTariat and OceanMarine at MetaZoo Intl.
AltcoinRadio Gallery
The Hourglass presents Palmyra
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - September 27th
Aastronaut Aavegotchi
Rovi Community Call 5
Decentral Games' WSODG W38 - Sunday - September 26th
ADA Punks Release Party!
Decentral Games' Presents Heidi Darveaux NFT Showcase & Q&A w/ special guest Xeta - September 26th
Malaysia Blockchain Month (MBM2021) #NFT4 DUO
Malaysia Blockchain Month (MBM2021) #NFT2 MALAYSIA FLAG
Tarots.Today 25
Decentral Games' Noche De Casino - PLAY - September 25th
Decentral Games' WSODG W38 - Friday - September 24th
#CLUBNIGHTS VIP Week 24 at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
#CLUBNIGHTS Week 24 at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games' NFT Casino Night - Crypto - September 24th
Decentral Games' Immerse with Pop RoXxX - September 24th
CannaCards420 by Collie Pixels ft. Stoney Eye and friends!
Ethereals Ride or Die Token | Discord POAP #2
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - September 13th
Decentral Games' WSODG W38 -Thursday - September 23rd
BREAK THE BARS by David Bianchi- Red Carpet Premiere
Decentral Games' Presents AMA w/ The Guild Artist Collective Core Team - September 23rd
Decentral Games' Presents Aeron's Treasures NFT Art Showcase & AMA - September 22nd
Rug Radio x Keith Grossman (President of TIME)
Tuesday Crypto NIght in the Aquarium Back up POAP
DIAMOND CAVE, Space Shiba Mountain!!
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - September 20th
Wall Street Bets - Diamond Hands
Wall Street Bets - Liquidity Pool
Wall Street Bets - Due Diligence
Wall Street Bets - Diamond Dog
Space Shiba Mountain
Chang Gang HQ & Film Punks Launch PARTY
(Parcel Party) early Discord fam Stoney
Decentral Games' Anjulie's Single Drop Party - September 18th
Decentral Games' Noche De Casino - PLAY - September 18th
CLUB NIGHTS: Degenibitz VIP - Week 23 @ Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo
Degenibitz LAUNCH PARTY | CLUB NIGHTS: Week 23 @ Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo
Decentral Games' RSOP Metaverse Party - September 17th
Decentral Games' NFT Casino Night - Crypto -September 17th
Decentral Games' Immerse with Pop RoXxX - September 17th
Degenibitz Exhibit at MetaZoo International
Stoney 2.0 / Altcoin Radio Gallery
Decentral Games' DJenerates' Poker Tournament - September 16th
Coke Boys - The LA Sneaker
Decentral Games' $DG Hodler Roundtable and DAO Discussion - September 16th
Decentral Games' WSODG W37 - Wednesday - September 15th
Decentral Games' Crypto Casino Night Chateau Satoshi - September 15th
Decentral Games' Blockchain Game Gang Meta Party - September 15th
Decentral Games' WSODG W37 -Tuesday - September 14th
Rocket Pool Pre-Launch Systems Check: The Great Sell Wall
Aavegotchi On Chain
Decentral Games' WSODG W37 - Monday - September 13th
The Maserati Collection by Maserati & Automobilist
Art Nifties NFT Grab #16
Decentral Games' Noche De Casino - PLAY - September 11th
Companions Loot - Exhibition Battle #2
Decentral Games' WSODG W36 - Friday - September 10th
STONEY EYE CLUB NIGHTS Takeover Week 22 at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
MetaZoo Discord Community Event - The MetaZoo Flower Garden by PRINCESSROSE
MetaZoo Discord Community Event - MetaWhale By
Decentral Games' Up Late with DG Casino Night - September 9th
Crypto Competition at The Aquarium - 09/09/2021
BAYC Sotheby's Auction After Party w/ SPOTTIE - September 9th
DCLCurations X BitBears™ NFT Burn Event
Bear Gang™ Community POAP by Princess Rose
The WIP Meetup! 2021-09-09
Rocket Pool Pre-Launch Systems Check: Trail of Bits Audit Completed
NFTokers Party
Companions Loot - Exhibition Battle #1
Decentral Games' WSODG W36 - Wednesday - September 8th
The Cutting Edge with gmoney - Episode 2
Hiroto Kai's - Wearable Wednesday - Builders Classes Week 5
Decentral Games' Crypto Casino Night Chateau Satoshi - September 8th
Decentral Games' WSODG W36 -Tuesday - September 7th
Sep 7 2021 #NFTuesday Scavenger Hunt | Hosted By The Decentraland Report
Rovi Community Call 2
Decentral Games' WSODG W36 - Monday - September 6th
MetaZoo International x BearGang™ Burn Week OG Discord POAP
THEZOO Discord First 1K OGs Badge
Ape's 3D Community meet & greet
Decentral Games' WSODG W35 - Saturday - September 4th
The BoneYard - Show XIV - w/ NFT Update
ZED HQ - Launch - Open Day
The Mutant Ape’s Demise
The Mutant Ape’s Demise
BAYC at Sotheby's
Metamask 10 Million Users Party
Decentral Games' Noche De Casino - PLAY - September 4th
DragonCity Tangram
Decentral Games' WSODG W35 - Wednesday - September 1st
Reefer Madness Movie Night at Blunts NFT Gallery!
Polygonal Coin Hunt - 01
Aug 31 2021 #NFTuesday Scavenger Hunt | Hosted By The Decentraland Report
SteamPunk Quest, Aug 11, 2021
The Drink of the Gods
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - August 30th
Decentral Games' WSODG W35 - Monday - August 30th
Battle Racers: Maker ShowDAOn
Decentral Games' WSODG W34 - Sunday - August 29th
Decentral Games' WSODG W34 - Saturday - August 28th
CLUB NIGHTS Week 20 at FlashRekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games' WSODG W34 - Friday - August 27th
Decentral Games' WSODG W34 -Thursday - August 26th
Decentral Games' WSODG W34 - Wednesday - August 25th
Hiroto Kai's - Wearable Wednesday - Builders Classes Week 4 - Special Guest DaddyChang
Decentral Games' WSODG W34 - Monday - August 23rd
Decentral Games' Noche De Casino - PLAY - August 21st
The Aquarium - First ever live MMA TV event
CLUB NIGHTS Week 19 at FlashRekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games x DinoSwap High-Hand Poker Tournament - August 20th
Decentral Games' WSODG W33 -Thursday - August 19th
Decentral Games' Up Late with DG Casino Night - PLAY - August 19th
Snarky Sharkz Society Aug 18 2021 #NFTuesday Scavenger Hunt | Hosted By The Decentraland Report
Hiroto Kai's - Wearable Wednesday - Builders Classes Week 3
Decentral Games' WSODG W33 - Wednesday - August 18th
Decentral Games' WSODG W33 - Monday - August 16th
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - August 16th
Decentral Games' presents the Minimints Launch Party and Showcase - August 14th
Spanish Museum #3 - The Guardian Herald Event!
Decentral Games' WSODG W32 - Friday - August 13th
Decentral Games' Casino Night High Tech - Crypto - August 13th
Decentral Games' Up Late with DG Casino Night - PLAY - August 12th
Decentral Games' WSODG W32 - Wednesday - August 11th
Hiroto Kai's - Wearable Wednesday - Builders Classes Week 2
Decentral Games' WSODG W32 -Tuesday - August 10th
Decentral Games' WSODG W32 - Monday - August 9th
APE THE 8TH Apes 3D Giveaway
Hiroto Kai's Glass Tower - Grand Opening + Triforce Set
Decentral Games' WSODG W31 - Friday - August 6th
Lofi NFT Phase 1
EVOL MASK Launch w/ Category 5 CLUB NIGHT @ Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
BAYC Riverboat Launch - August 6th
Decentral Games' Casino Night High Tech - Crypto - August 6th
KidEight EVOL Exhibit at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games' WSODG W31 -Thursday - August 5th
LoveGotchi DinoSwap Ghost Love Badge
Decentral Games' $DG Hodler Roundtable and DAO Discussion - August 5th
The Aquarium Casino Launch
Decentral Games' Endware Official Domains' Showcase - August 4th
Decentral Games' WSODG W31 - Wednesday - August 4th
Decentral Games' WSODG W31 -Tuesday - August 3rd
Battle Racers Summer Time Trials 2021 - Week 4
Spanish Museum #2 - Morrion party!
APED LA x Decentraland
BitBears x DCLCurations Red Carpet Event POAP #2
SJW Subversion Exhibit by ManReclaimed at MetaZoo
Decentral Games x LandVault Scavenger Hunt #5 - July 31st
BitBears x DCLCurations Red Carpet Event POAP #3
Decentral Games' Noche De Casino - PLAY - July 31st
BitBears x DCLCurations Red Carpet Event POAP #1
Decentral Games' WSODG W30 - Friday - July 30th
Club Night at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats At MetaZoo International July 30 2021
Decentral Games' Immerse with Pop RoXxX - July 30th
International Friendship Day
Decentral Games' WSODG W30 -Thursday - July 29th
Decentral Games' Up Late with DG Casino Night - PLAY - July 29th
Decentral Games' Presents The Arts Guild Series: Gert-Jan Akerboom - July 29th
Decentral Games' WSODG W30 - Wednesday - July 28th
Last Slice NFT Release Party! (Presented by Last Slice)
Decentral Games' Atari Crypto Casino Night - July 28th
Fluxart gallery opening
Battle Racers Summer Time Trials 2021 - Week 3
Alison Wonderland Presents The WonderQuest
«The Eagle Has Landed» — Apollo 11 Launches from the Moon to the Metaverse
Club Night at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats At MetaZoo International July 23 2021
Death ... Reanimated by Jose Delbo
Decentral Games' Casino Night High Tech - Crypto - July 23rd
Decentral Games' Immerse with Pop RoXxX - July 23rd
Decentral Games' Casino Night Asia & Australia - PLAY - July 23rd
Decentral Games' Up Late with DG Casino Night - PLAY - July 22nd
YouEndo Movie Nights
Decentral Games' Presents Aeron's Treasures NFT Art Showcase - July 22nd
Alison Wonderland Coming Soon
Selecta Stoney Eye With Ras Rebel - Live At The Glass Temple
Decentral Games' WSODG W29 - Monday - July 19th
Battle Racers Summer Time Trials 2021 - Week 2
Decentral Games' Presents Anjulie's Single Drop Party - July 16th
Decentral Games' Casino Night High Tech - Crypto - July 16th
Decentral Games' Immerse with Pop RoXxX - July 16th
Decentral Games' Up Late with DG Casino Night - PLAY - July 15th
LOL™ The Debut Series Release Event at MetaZoo International
DragonCity X CAWA
NFTuesdays Hosted by The Decentraland Report July 13 2021
Mease "Show Off"
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - July 12th
Decentral Games' Community Meet Up - July 12th
The JBF Gallery Launch - a guided tour with a happy ending...
Battle Racers Summer Time Trials 2021 - Week 1
Aavegotchi So Fire LoveGotchi Badge
1 Year TrustSwap anniversary with Grand Opening in Decentraland!
Club Night at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats At MetaZoo International July 9 2021
Ecuadorian Adventure Exhibit by ManReclaimed at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games' Casino Night High Tech - Crypto - July 9th
Decentral Games' Immerse with Pop RoXxX - July 9th
Decentral Games' Up Late with DG Casino Night - PLAY - July 8th
DCL Art Week 2021 - Day 1
Decentral Games' $DG Hodler Roundtable and DAO Discussion - July 8th
Decentral Games' Atari Crypto Casino Night - July 7th
Decentral Games' Presents Dr. Fresch Live Performance and NFT Drop - July 7th
NFTuesdays Hosted by The Decentraland Report July 6 2021
Decentral Games' Presents Devious Demon Dudes NFT Showcase - July 6th
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - July 5th
The Tower - Visitor Token
Lobsteropolis City x Vegas City Launch ft Devo
Decentral Games' Atari Crypto Casino Night - June 30th
#NFTuesdays on The Decentraland Report hosted by KevinOnEarth999 June 29
Decentral Games' Presents The Hiroto Kai Experience - June 29th
CCC After Party at YouEndo
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - June 28th
Hot Wheels NFT Garage @ Decentraland
Hourglass venue launch with Butcher Brown
Decentral Games' WSODG W24 -Saturday - June 26th
Decentral Games' Noche De Casino - PLAY - June 26th
Decentral Games' Casino Night High Tech - Crypto - June 25th
JAY-Z x Derrick Adams - Heir To the Throne - An NFT, A Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Reasonable Doubt
Decentral Games' Immerse with Pop RoXxX - June 25th
KidEight Pop Up Exhibit at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games' Up Late with DG Casino Night - PLAY - June 24th
Decentral Games' - ATARI Crypto Casino Night - June 23rd
#NFTuesdays on The Decentraland Report hosted by KevinOnEarth999 June 22
Decentral Games' Presents Charged Particles AMA & $IONX Giveaway - June 22nd
Decentral Games' Casino Night - Crypto - June 21st
Decentral Games' Community Meet Up - Index Coop - June 21st
Manchester City x Jon Noorlander - MakersPlace Event
Pride Parade Event
imToken’s 5th anniversary POAP badge
BitBears™ Genesis Series NFT Burn Countdown
Decentral Games' Noche De Casino - PLAY - June 19th
CosmicEndo's Groovy Exhibit June 2021
JUSTSWEATERS June 2021 Exhibit at MetaZoo International
June 18 Club Night at Flashrekt's Temple of Beats at MetaZoo International
WAIFUMON Easter Egg Hunt at MetaZoo International 8
WAIFUMON Easter Egg Hunt at MetaZoo International 7
WAIFUMON Easter Egg Hunt at MetaZoo International 6
WAIFUMON Easter Egg Hunt at MetaZoo International 5
WAIFUMON Easter Egg Hunt at MetaZoo International 4
ManReclaimed June 2021 Exhibit at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games' Immerse with Pop RoXxX - June 18th
Decentral Games' Up Late with DG Casino Night - PLAY - June 17th
Federated Reserve SEASON 2
Surreal Chaos Art Exhibit by PRØHBTD at MetaZoo International
Decentral Games' Presents Aeron's NFT Art Auction and Showcase - June 17th
MoCDA presents Marjan Moghaddam´s solo show
Decentral Games' Atari Crypto Casino Night - June 16th
Meme God
Decentral Games' Presents BITBEARS' NFT Auction and Showcase - June 15th
Aavegotchi Rarity Farming SZN 1 Badge
#NFTuesdays on The Decentraland Report hosted by KevinOnEarth999 June 15